Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Beginning

Hey Everyone!

Thanks for checking out my blog! If you've known me for more than a week than you know that I suffer from horrible allergies. I remember having allergies from as young as 7 years old and have been taking a myriad of medications since then. I have used multiples nasal sprays, taken an array of pills, asthma inhalers, homeopathic remedies and allergy shots. While these methods have provided temporary relief of my allergies I still find myself awake late at night sneezing my head off, coming to work with a runny nose and red eyes or having to leave parties early because of an allergy attack.

The allergist has a list of what causes my allergies which include:
Cats (Phil Pot Jacobson R.I.P.)
Dust Mites (Which,
I never realized, are real microscopic bugs - completely disgusting!)
Variety of pollens,grass (not the inhalant) and trees

So I have kept my distance from cats and dogs and other furry animals. (When my cat died my doorman said "I know someone who's going to be very happy!"...I won't say I was "happy" but it was definitely a bitter-sweet moment to realize I could breathe freely in my apartment!) I use allergy covers for my mattress and pillows.(Well that's not entirely true...I have in the past and I'm in the "process" of getting some for my bed and Scott has his mattress and pillows covered - so it's like I have mine covered :)I take 1 nasal spray everyday and have another for "immediate" relief. I also take Zyrtec allergy pill every night and for those nights when nothing is working I take Benedryl. In addition I get allergy shots. I took shots from 2007-2008 and then started again August 2009. Despite all these efforts I still suffer from allergies.

The question is now: Why am I blogging about my allergies??
Answer: My allergies have been the bane of my existence for many, many years. I never understood why they were so bad all year round. Turns out that my seasonal allergies and allergies to dust mites and mold are exacerbated by food allergies! Turns out I am allergic to:

Shrimp (which I don't eat anyway because I don't like the texture)
Chocolate (by far the most devastating discovery!)

Now, will I die if I eat any of the above items? No. But I am so fed up with my allergies that it's worth a complete overhaul of my diet if it alleviates my allergies.

What can I eat? As my uncle said, "Well thank god you're not allergic to lettuce!" That was certainly a good start! I can eat vegetables, fruit, nuts, grains, soy, turkey, lamb, and duck.

I've decided to blog about my adventures with new, different and alternative food. I'm hoping that this blog will help motivate me to keep up with the new diet, keep track of my results and who knows, maybe even inspire others to choose a more alternative lifestyle!

This was a very long introduction! I doubt the coming posts will be as long.

Thanks again for checking in!

No More Sneezing Rachel


  1. Great introduction! From experience over the past 1+ week, the meals you've cooked have been great! Keep up the great work!


  2. I second what Scott said! I also think that this proves that you are a freak and that there is no way that you are going to ever get away from trees unless you come and live in the Negev (treeless part!). From one blogger to another I wish you a great blog and I will enjoy reading it! Love Gina
